Suspect Classifications Based on Race Interactions








Traditionally the only suspect classification(s) was (or were):
Choice 1 Race.
Choice 2 Race and National Origin.
Choice 3 Race and Religion.
Choice 4 Race, religion, and national origin.
Upon what basis will a classification be deemed suspect?
Choice 1 If the discrimination is based on skin color or minority status.
Choice 2 If the discrimination is historically severe and pervasive.
Choice 3 If the discrimination is purposeful and invidious.
Choice 4 The determination is made on an ad hoc basis by the court.
Which of the following is most likely to satisfy the “purposeful” discrimination for a suspect classification?:
Choice 1 A facially discriminatory law.
Choice 2 A facially neutral law upon a showing of discriminatory effect.
Choice 3 A facially neutral law shown to be carried out in a discriminatory manner.
Choice 4 All of the above.

State affirmative action laws will be held to what standard of review?
Choice 1 Rational basis review.
Choice 2 Intermediate scrutiny.
Choice 3 Strict scrutiny.
Choice 4 None of the above.
Federal affirmative action laws will be held to what standard of review?
Choice 1 Rational basis review.
Choice 2 Intermediate scrutiny.
Choice 3 Strict scrutiny.
Choice 4 None of the above.

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