Presidential Powers Interactions
Which of the
following is a power granted to the President under the Constitution:
One main difference
between a treaty and an executive agreement is that:
While in office
the President is protected from suit in which of the following ways:
One of the
President’s childhood friends is involved in an ugly civil suit
involving fraud. The jury finds against the President’s friend and
awards the plaintiff in the case $2.5 million. Wanting to help his old
chum, the President immediately calls the federal judge who heard the
case and says “I’m calling to tell you that I want to pardon
Charlie Diaz. He’s a good man and shouldn’t have to pay out
that much money.” What is the result?
the jury’s adverse finding, Charlie Diaz paid the plaintiff the
$2.5 million and has been broke ever since. He has resorted to a life
of crime, and was recently seen wearing a Santa Clause outfit and stuffing
smoked salmon in his pockets at the holiday party thrown by his previous
employer. He is arrested for violating Massahampshire General Statute
§8-675.309, possession of an unregistered handgun. He is found guilty
and is thrown into the state prison. When the President hears of old Chuck’s
most recent legal woes he calls the Massahampshire Governor and says “I’m
pardoning Chuck. He should have to spend another night in prison. He’s
no criminal.” What is the result?
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