Doing Business With Your Client Self-Quiz








You have been working diligently on a case for Dan Trampp, a real estate mogul with varied and numerous holdings. Trampp is suing Ivan Ah, who reportedly used Trampp’s trademark to try to acquire an apartment building in Manhattan that only a mogul of Trampp’s magnitude could acquire. Both Trampp and Ivan Ah claim ownership of the apartment building. Trampp is excited, however, when he realizes that Ivan Ah will momentarily settle. On one of his good days, prior to the expected settlement, Trampp agrees to part with some of this contested property for fair market value – and sells to you. You are able to finance the purchase with incredibly low mortgage rates. Instantly, you live in a fabulous apartment overlooking the Hudson, with a gorgeous view of Hoboken! But are you subject to discipline?
Choice 1 Yes, because you may not acquire a proprietary interest in the subject of litigation you are involved in.
Choice 2 Yes, because you did not acquire Ivan Ah’s consent, given that Ivan Ah might have a proprietary interest in the property.
Choice 3 No, because you just bought some property – you didn’t create any conflicts of interest.
. You represent Jonathan Knoxville in a personal injury suit. Jonathan was hired by a television network to pin steaks on his shirt and set them aflame. The goal was initially to cook the steaks to at least “medium-well” standards, but unfortunately, Jonathan suffered terrible burns before the steaks could make it past “rare.” You take Jonathan’s case on contingency. If he wins his case against the television network, you earn a fee, if not, you don’t. Jonathan is out of money right now, so you pay his court costs and lend him money for rent and food. You agree that Jonathan will only pay you back if he wins his case against the network. Are you subject to discipline?
Choice 1 Yes, because the ethical rules want to prevent lawyers from paying off clients to allow lawyers to sue on behalf of the clients.
Choice 2 Yes, if Jonathan did not fill out the requisite forms affirming he is indigent.
Choice 3 No, because you just want to help out your client with some basic needs.

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