Fundamental Rights and the Equal Protection Clause Self-Quiz











Laws affecting the fundamental rights of some groups but not others are subjected to which of the following:
Choice 1 Rational basis review.
Choice 2 Intermediate scrutiny.
Choice 3 Strict scrutiny.
Choice 4 It depends on whether the groups are suspect or nonsuspect classification.
In light of recent events Congress passes a law temporarily prohibiting any citizen of the United States who has gained their citizenship within the past 5 years from leaving the country until such time as they schedule and undergo an interview. Is the law valid?
Choice 1 YES, because this is not a fundamental right and the law will likely survive rational basis review.
Choice 2 YES, because this is a fundamental right and the law will likely survive strict scrutiny.
Choice 3 NO, because this is a fundamental right and the law will not likely survive strict scrutiny.
Choice 4 NO, because unless suspected of criminal activities no citizen can ever be prevented from leaving U.S. soil.
Southernstate passes a law prohibiting brown-eyed parents from enrolling their children in private art classes until the age of 12. A group of concerned, brown-eyed parents sue. What is the best argument they have for establishing a due process violation?
Choice 1 The right to education is being infringed upon.
Choice 2 The right to raise their children as they see fit is being infringed upon.
Choice 3 The right to engage in commerce (by enrolling in a private school) is being infringed upon.
Northernstate is known for having particularly high unemployment benefits. In recent years, unemployed citizens of other states have moved to Northernstate in order to avail themselves of these benefits. Northernstate legislature recently passed a law which limits new citizens’ unemployment benefits for the first year of their residency in Northernstate to the amount they would have received in their previous state. Is the law valid?
Choice 1 YES, because the state has a legitimate interest in avoiding manipulation of the unemployment system.
Choice 2 YES, because if people are moving to Northernstate seeking employment rather than merely seeking unemployment benefits the law will not have a negative impact.
Choice 3 NO, because there is a fundamental right at stake here and the law will not likely survive strict scrutiny.
Choice 4 NO, because a state can never limit the amount of unemployment compensation it provides to any of its citizens.
Which of the following is not a fundamental right?
Choice 1 The right to education.
Choice 2 The right to travel freely among the states.
Choice 3 The right to vote.
Choice 4 The right to have custody of one’s children.
Southernstate passes legislation requiring “all persons with red hair may obtain their driver’s license at the age of 17,” while all other residents can get their license at 16. Will the law be subject to only rational basis review?
Choice 1 YES, because the classification is nonsuspect.
Choice 2 YES, because the right is not fundamental.
Choice 3 Both (a) and (b).
Choice 4 Neither (a) nor (b).

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