Receiving Stolen Property Self-Quiz








Castor is a notorious car thief who is wanted in several states. Pollex, a law abiding citizen, is Castor's best friend. One day, after stealing a brand new Mercedes SUV, Castor calls Pollex and asks if he can park the car temporarily in Pollex's garage. Pollex agrees. Unfortunately for Pollex, a police officer has been tailing Castor and places him under arrest after he parks the car in Pollex's garage. When Pollex arrives home, he is arrested as well. Castor is charged with theft and Pollex is charged with receiving stolen property. Pollex will probably be:
Choice 1 Convicted, because he knew that Castor was a thief
Choice 2 Convicted, because he allowed the car to be parked in his garage
Choice 3 Acquitted, because he did not come into actual possession of the car
Choice 4 Acquitted, because it is not his fault that his friend is a car thief
Castor is a notorious car thief who is wanted in several states. Pollex, a law abiding citizen, is Castor's best friend. One day, after stealing a brand new Mercedes SUV, Castor drives it over to Pollex's house and gives it to Pollex as a birthday present. Pollex does not want to offend his friend by asking if the car is stolen so he accepts the gift without asking any questions. If Pollex is arrested and charged with receiving stolen property, he will probably be:
Choice 1 Acquitted, because he did not know for sure that the car was stolen
Choice 2 Acquitted, because he did not want to hurt Castor’s feelings
Choice 3 Convicted, because Pollex basically knew that the car was stolen
Choice 4 Convicted, because he accepted a stolen car from Castor

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