Attempt Self-Quiz






After years of wearing glasses, Mitch decides to have laser vision correction done on his eyes. The procedure goes well but, unfortunately, he is groggy enough afterwards that, when he goes home, he does not realize that he has mistakenly walked up to his neighbor Abby's door instead of his own. Not being able to see very well, Mitch cannot figure out why his keys do not work in the lock but, being too groggy to think about it, he breaks a window next to the front door and begins to climb through. Abby, who is home in bed, hears the window break and calls the police. The police arrive within minutes and arrest Mitch. Mitch is charged with attempted burglary. He will probably be:
Choice 1 Convicted, because he broke into Abby’s house
Choice 2 Convicted, because he intended to break into Abby’s house
Choice 3 Acquitted, because he was groggy from surgery when he broke into the house
Choice 4 Acquitted, because he did not intend to commit a crime in Abby’s house
Sam and Josh are standing on a pedestrian bridge trying to throw rocks into a river. In order to reach the river, they must throw their rocks about fifty feet and across a well traveled street. Leo is walking down the street on his way to work. Unfortunately, one of Josh's throws hits Leo in the head and he spends 3 months in a coma. Josh is charged with assault with a deadly weapon and attempted criminally negligent homicide. Josh can be convicted of:
Choice 1 Assault and attempted criminally negligent homicide
Choice 2 Assault
Choice 3 Attempted criminally negligent homicide
Choice 4 Neither
Sam and Josh are looking to make some quick money to buy some marijuana. They know that Leo walks to work every day and they work out a plan to hide behind some bushes and jump out and attack Leo when he walks by. They do hide in some bushes along the route that Leo takes but, on this particular day, Leo calls in sick and doesn't walk by Sam and Josh. A cop sees Sam and Josh hiding and arrests them for loitering. When they confess to their plans, they are charged with attempted robbery. They will probably be:
Choice 1 Convicted because they planned to attack Leo
Choice 2 Convicted, because they hid and waited for Leo to pass by
Choice 3 Acquitted, because they confessed
Choice 4 Acquitted, because they did not actually try to attack Leo
Sam and Josh are looking to make some quick money to buy some marijuana. They work out a plan to hide behind some bushes on a busy street and jump out and attack a pedestrian who looks like he has money. They do hide in some bushes but, before they can rob someone, a cop sees them hiding and arrests them for loitering. When they confess to their plans, they are charged with attempted robbery. They will probably be:
Choice 1 Convicted because they planned to attack somebody
Choice 2 Convicted, because they hid and waited for somebody to pass by
Choice 3 Acquitted, because they confessed
Choice 4 Acquitted, because they did not actually select a specific victim to attack
Danny, Scott, Zach, Ronnie and Steven conspire to steal one hundred bars of solid gold belonging to the United States Treasury from a branch of the Fleet Bank of Boston. What they do not know is that all of the U.S. Treasury's gold is kept at Fort Knox and therefore, there is no gold in the Fleet Bank of Boston's vault. They are caught before they can actually rob the bank and are charged with conspiracy to commit Federal Grand Larceny. The defendants argue that they should not be convicted of the conspiracy because, since there was no gold at the bank, it was impossible to commit the crime they were trying to commit. This impossibility argument is a valid defense and they will be acquitted:
Danny, Scott, Zach, Ronnie and Steven conspire to steal one hundred bars of solid gold belonging to the United States Treasury from a branch of the Fleet Bank of Boston. The night before the robbery, Danny decided to back out of the plan. He tells the others that he thinks security at the bank has been increased and that it is not impossible to successfully carry out the robbery. The others proceed without Danny and are caught before they can actually rob the bank. Everybody, including Danny, is charged with attempted robbery. Danny argues that he withdrew from the crime and therefore, he should be acquitted. This argument is a valid defense and Danny will be acquitted:

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