Origins & Underlying Concepts of Patent Law Self-Quiz









One thing which separates patents from copyrights and trademarks is that:
Choice 1 There is no way to protect inventions internationally the way original works or trademarks can be protected.
Choice 2 Patent protection requires filing while copyright and trademark filings are optional.
Choice 3 Individuals can own trademarks or copyrights but only corporations or limited partnerships can own patents.
Choice 4 Patents cannot be conveyed.
Modern patent law has many aims, including:
Choice 1 Providing an incentive for innovation.
Choice 2 Preventing competition-stifling monopolies.
Choice 3 A & B.
Choice 4 None of the above.
The ultimate authority for the patent laws of the United States derives from:
Choice 1 The Constitution.
Choice 2 The Berne Convention.
Choice 3 The Statute of Monopolies.
Choice 4 The Patent Act of 1783.
The Federal Circuit Court:
Choice 1 Has exclusive jurisdiction over patent cases.
Choice 2 Was established by the Patent Act of 1952.
Choice 3 Was established in 1982.
Choice 4 Does not hear patent cases.

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