Charitable Purpose Self-Quiz








Ilene established a trust to care for the elderly. In addition, the trust required her to become the director of the foundation. This is an example of
Choice 1 A valid charitable trust to relieve poverty.
Choice 2 A valid charitable trust to promote health.
Choice 3 An invalid charitable trust.
Darren established a trust at Davis Business Institute, a for-profit technology institute in Dallas, “to educate graduates of any Dallas high school in computer science, accounting or business.” This is a valid charitable trust.
Becky took a personal interest in her state’s attempt in redistricting. As such, she established a trust to educate the people of her state on the merits of redistricting. This was a grassroots effort, enlisting the help of a variety of community activists to pass out flyers and make speeches at community gatherings. This is a valid charitable trust.
Katrina, a follower of the Dalai Lama established a trust to promote the dissemination of his teachings throughout the U.S. This is an example of
Choice 1 A valid religious charitable trust.
Choice 2 An invalid religious charitable trust.
Choice 3 A valid educational charitable trust.
Choice 4 Both a valid educational or religious charitable trust.
Kevin, who is an atheist, established a trust to promote atheism. This is an example of
Choice 1 A valid religious charitable trust.
Choice 2 A valid educational charitable trust.
Choice 3 Neither a valid educational nor religious charitable trust.
Brooke created a trust to pay funds “on the last school days of each calendar year before Christmas and Easter, in as many equal parts as there are children in the first, second and third grades of the Wilson Elementary School, to be used by each child in the furtherance of his or her education.” This is an example of
Choice 1 A valid educational charitable trust.
Choice 2 An invalid educational charitable trust.
Choice 3 A valid private express trust.
Abe established a trust in his hometown “to provide a sewage disposal plant.” This is a valid purpose for a charitable trust.

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