Defense of Others Self-Quiz







Daniel is walking down the street when he passes by the neighborhood dojo. He looks inside and sees what appears to be Dutch getting beaten up by the instructor. Being a black belt himself, Daniel runs into the dojo, throws the instructor off of Dutch and punches the instructor into submission. Unfortunately for Daniel, the instructor and Dutch were demonstrating different fighting techniques for the rest of the class and Dutch had consented to the contact. The instructor calls the police and Daniel is arrested and charged with assault. At the trial, Daniel raises a defense of others claim to try to avoid a conviction. If Daniel is in a jurisdiction that is governed by the “alter ego” rule, he will be:
Choice 1 Acquitted, because it looked like Dutch was being attacked
Choice 2 Acquitted, because Daniel’s intentions were good
Choice 3 Convicted, because Daniel attacked the instructor
Choice 4 Convicted, because Dutch had no right to use force to defend himself
Daniel is walking down the street when he passes by the neighborhood dojo. He looks inside and sees what appears to be Dutch getting beaten up by the instructor. Being a black belt himself, Daniel runs into the dojo, throws the instructor off of Dutch and punches the instructor into submission. Unfortunately for Daniel, the instructor and Dutch were demonstrating different fighting techniques for the rest of the class and Dutch had consented to the contact. The instructor calls the police and Daniel is arrested and charged with assault. At the trial, Daniel raises a defense of others claim to try to avoid a conviction. If Daniel is in a jurisdiction that is governed by the Model Penal code’s rules involving the defense of others, he will be:
Choice 1 Acquitted, because it looked like Dutch was being attacked
Choice 2 Acquitted, because Daniel’s intentions were good
Choice 3 Convicted, because Daniel attacked the instructor
Choice 4 Convicted, because Dutch had no right to use force to defend himself
Daniel is walking down the street when he passes by the neighborhood dojo. He looks inside and sees what appears to be Dutch getting beaten up by the instructor. Being a black belt himself, Daniel runs into the dojo, grabs a fighting stick that is lying on the floor and hits the instructor over the head with it. The blow kills the instructor instantly. Unfortunately for Daniel, the instructor and Dutch were demonstrating different fighting techniques for the rest of the class and Dutch had consented to the contact. The instructor calls the police and Daniel is arrested and charged with assault. At the trial, Daniel raises a defense of others claim to try to avoid a conviction. Daniel will probably be:
Choice 1 Acquitted, because it looked like Dutch was being attacked
Choice 2 Acquitted, because Daniel’s intentions were good
Choice 3 Convicted, because Daniel used unreasonable force
Choice 4 Convicted, because Dutch had no right to use force to defend himself

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