Fair Use Doctrine (Title 17, §107) Self-Quiz






Because of the exclusive rights granted to authors under the 1976 Act, the ?fair use doctrine?
Choice 1Still exists but is now completely ineffective.
Choice 2 Is now part of the copyright statute.
Choice 3 No longer exists.
Choice 4 Has been extended to significantly limit an author’s ability to create new works.
In determining whether or not an unauthorized use of a copyrighted work is a ?fair use,? the factors to be considered:
Choice 1 Include the purpose of the work and the effect the use has on the work’s value.
Choice 2 Are the work and the effect the use has on the work’s value.
Choice 3 Include the nature of the copyrighted work and the time since it was created.
Choice 4 Are the nature of the copyrighted work and the time since it was created.
It is never fair use to:
Choice 1 Use a copyrighted work in a commercial context.
Choice 2 Make changes to a copyrighted work which would tend to portray the work or its author in a negative light.
Choice 3 Use almost the entirety of the original work.
Choice 4 None of the above.

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