Defenses to Patent Infringement Self-Quiz







Staple goods are:
Choice 1 Goods which can be used with the patented product.
Choice 2 Goods which some use in commerce outside of a patented product.
Choice 3 Goods which cannot be patented.
Choice 4 Goods which are basic and fundamental such as concentrated frozen orange juice, coffee, and pork bellies (which are used to make bacon, such as you might find in a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich).
Because patent owners are granted a monopoly on their product they are free to use it any way they please. This statement is:
Choice 1 TRUE, because that is at the very heart of the patent grant.
Choice 2 TRUE, because the monopoly is only over novel and useful products and processes and is granted for only a limited time.
Choice 3 FALSE, because a patented good can be tied to an unpatented good and thereby misused.
Choice 4 FALSE, because the monopoly is only over novel and useful products and processes and is granted for only a limited time.
Which of the following is NOT a defense to patent infringement:
Choice 1 The patent holder’s inequitable conduct.
Choice 2 Laches.
Choice 3 Employee-at-will doctrine.
Choice 4 Estoppel.

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