This course is a part of:
Associate's Degree Program
Bachelor's Degree Program
BUS-111: Human Resources Management
BUS 304 is the study of the development of labor relations in the United States, methods of organizing employees, and the tools that organized groups in industry use to represent labor – the employees unions represent, and the settlement process of labor disputes in a union context. Labor union and employer associations involved in arbitration, mediation, and conciliation are analyzed from an economic as well as a legal standpoint. Public sector unions are considered in contrast to private sector unions. Topics include collective bargaining, trade agreements, strikes, boycotts, lockouts, company unions, employee representation, and injunctions.
Course Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify the key issues and events affecting the current and future status of labor relations and formulate your own conclusions and opinions.
- Identify, interpret, and apply the federal statutes relevant to labor-management relations.
- Discuss the impact of the principal historical developments that have influenced the evolution of unionism in the United States.
- Describe the relationship between labor and management in American business and the influence on that relationship of economic, social, statutory, and regulatory policies and systems.
- Analyze and evaluate the process of union representation, collective bargaining, contract administration, and dispute resolution, the roles of labor and management representatives within their respective entities, and the impact of technology tools.
- Interpret the significance of labor relations in the context of international commerce.