Document Name | View |
Slides |
Slides for Lecture 1 |  |
Slides for Lecture 2 |  |
Slides for Lecture 4 |  |
Slides for Lecture 5 |  |
Slides for Lecture 6 |  |
Slides for Lecture 7 |  |
Slides for Lecture 8 |  |
Slides for Lecture 9 |  |
Slides for Lecture 10 |  |
Slides for Lecture 11 |  |
Slides for Lecture 12 |  |
Slides for Lecture 13 |  |
Slides for Lecture 14 |  |
Slides for Lecture 15 |  |
Documents |
Personal Injury Flowsheet |  |
Sample Complaint in Wrongful Death Case - Completed |  |
Sample Trial Ready-List |  |
Sample Pre-Trial Brief |  |
New Jersey Civil Case Information Statement |  |
Sample Itemization of Medical Bills |  |
Sample Diet Drug Litigation – Short Form |  |
Sample Diet Drug Litigation – Long Form |  |
Sample Radiation Exposure Compensation Form |  |
Vioxx – Master Complaint |  |
Vioxx - Answer |  |
Sample Car Accident Complaint |  |
Drafting a Complaint Lesson and Resource |  |
Drafting an Answer Lesson and Resource |  |
Drafting a Motion Lesson and Resource |  |
Videos |
Common Intentional Torts, Part 1 |  |
Common Intentional Torts, Part 2 |  |
Tort Law: Liability for Emotional Distress Torts |  |
Elements of Negligence |  |
Negligence Defenses - Contributory Negligence and Assumption of Risk |  |
Tort Law: Strict Liability and Abnormally Dangerous Activities |  |
Whether to Reform Tort Law: A Legal Analysis |  |
Tort Law: The Rules of Defamation |  |
The Torts of Invasion of Privacy |  |